Contract Administration

Materials at Site Account

It is a register duly maintained to keep track of the materials that had been consumed during the project and the leftovers after work is completed. In construction projects, various materials, tools and equipment are needed to be procured some by the contractors and some by the owners. The unused materials and products owned by the owners needs to be returned after the project is completed. 

Muster roll

Muster roll is used for keeping a complete record of attendance, payment made, unpaid wages and work done by daily labor engaged on the execution of work. It is the basic records of payments made to daily labor. After the payment is made, the muster roll is kept as a voucher. The muster roll ensures labor law compliance. It verifies working hours, overtime, holidays and leave rights.

Measurement book

Measurement book(MB) is a book showing original record of work done or supply of materials received duly weighted, measured or counted. It includes finance, so record should be lucid (Expressed clearly) such that if necessary it can be checked with the entries made. It is an evidence of work done and measurement, so acts as a valid document.

Running bill and final bill

Usually the payment to the contractor is made on the basis of statement of work done, these are called running bills. It is also called Interim payment certificate (IPC). The bills are prepared and submitted by contractor to the client for payment by following the below listed steps:

-Measurement of work

-Entry in the measurement book

-Preparing a bill

Final bill include cumulative bill submitted by contractor on completion of job with all supporting measurements in soft copy as well as printout of it and certified by concerning people as full and final bill with no dues thereafter. It is also called final payment certificate and work completion report is prepared after final bill. Final bill is the representation of quantities of works/ materials and amount after the project is completed.

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